Q2 2024 Update

Q2 2024 Update

Introducing Product Library, Web Clipper, and More

We're thrilled to announce our Q2 2024 update, packed with exciting new features and enhancements to streamline your workflow and boost productivity. Let's explore what's new!

Web Clipper:

Say goodbye to manual copying and pasting! Our new Web Clipper allows you to effortlessly capture images, text, and PDF attachments with a single click. Save product information directly to your Product Library or schedule, making it a breeze to gather and organize content.

You can download it here.

Product Library:

The new Product Library is a game-changer for managing and reusing products across all your projects. With over 30 categories and the ability to add tags, finding the right product has never been easier. The Product Detail Panel provides a centralized hub for managing product details, sales rep and vendor information, and attachments.

Schedule Enhancements:

We've made several improvements to the schedule, including new status options like "Sample Requested" and "Sample Submitted." Real-time updates ensure seamless collaboration among designers working on the same schedule. The new More Panel mirrors the Product Detail Panel, making it simple to add products from the Product Library to your schedule.

Seamless Sync between Product Library and Schedules:

Updating a row added from the Product Library now prompts you to update the corresponding product in the library. If you choose not to, the connection between the row and product is removed, allowing for independent updates. Creating a product from a row is just as easy with the "Add to Product Library" option.

Overhauled Client Comments:

Communication is key, and our revamped Client Comments feature takes it to the next level. With a dedicated tab for comments, designers, clients, and stakeholders can engage in seamless conversations. Clients can send messages with status changes like Approved, Rejected, Request For Alternate, or Request Sample. Notifications keep everyone informed of new comments and status updates.

We're continuously working on new features to enhance your experience. Stay tuned for upcoming additions like Row Archive and Row Revisions, designed to streamline your workflow and make managing revisions a breeze.

We value your feedback and are committed to delivering the best possible experience. If you have any questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

Thank you for being a part of our journey. Happy designing!

Release Notes

Web Clipper

  • With the all new web clipper you can now clip images, text, and pdf attachments with a click of a button.  No more copying and pasting like it's 2002.
  • You can save product info to the product library or directly to a schedule all within the clipper.
  • You can have as many images and attachments as you want so go crazy!

Product Library:

  • The new Product Library allows you to create and reuse products throughout all of your projects.
  • The Product Library allows you to categorize each product into over 30 categories allowing for easy organization regardless of the product type.
  • You can add tags to your products for further organization.
  • You can search by name, brand , tag, or SKU to find exactly what you're looking for.
  • You can quickly add a product to the schedule without even opening the product detail panel by clicking the plus button at the bottom of each contact card.

The Product Detail Panel is where things really begin to shine.

The Product Detail Panel contains 3 tabs:

1. Product Details

  • Here you can see and upload multiple pictures of your product.
  • Provide details of your product such as name, brand, SKU, and trade price
  • Add custom properties for that extra level of customization.

2. Sales Rep / Vendor

  • Here you assign a sales rep to your product from one of our verified sales reps or from one you made in your contacts
  • Provide vendor info
  • Provide custom properties to a vendor

3. Attachments

  • Here you can upload as many attachments as you want whether that be a spec sheet or installation instructions.

Schedule Enhancements

Small things first:

  • We added "Sample Requested" and "Sample Submitted" to the status drop down menu.
  • We improved our realtime updates for the schedule making it more seamless for multiple designers to be working in the same schedule. Whenever a changes is made, a notification will appear letting you know you have changes and need to refresh the schedule. This will be improved further in the future.
  • Made the schedule header smaller and more streamlined.

All new More Panel & Overhauled Client Comments

  • The new More Panel is now exactly like the Product Detail Panel in the Product Library. This means when you add a product form the product library everything will be copied into the schedule including attachments, pictures, and sales rep and vendor info.
  • When a row is referencing a product in your product library a blue circle with a double check will appear next to the name of the product in the More Panel.

Product Library to Schedules and Vice Versa

  • Whenever you update a row that was added from the product library you will be asked if you want to update that product in the product library. If you choose not to, the "connection" to that product and the row item will removed and any further updates will only be saved in that row.
  • If you wish to reconnect the row to the product you can in the new more panel by scrolling all the way down under "Product Details" and click "Sync with product". After confirming this action all the data in that row will be overwritten. This includes images and attachments.
  • You can also create a product from a row. Simply scroll all the way down under "Product Details" and click "Add to Product Library". And Boom - you now have a new product in your library.

If you update a product that is in a schedule through the product library, the schedule will not automatically be updated with the newest information. This is to ensure that nothing is accidentally overwritten. In order to get the new product info into your schedule:

  1. Open the desired schedule
  2. You will see a blue notification dot on the effected row's "More" button.
  3. Open the row's More panel.
  4. You will see a dialogue asking you if you want to update to the new product or keep things as they are.

Overhauled Client Comments

  • The last iteration of Client Comments was just plain bad. Well we fixed that. Now instead of a single text box, we have an entire tab dedicated to it.
  • Within the new "Comments" tab designers, clients, and stakeholders can communicate seamlessly with one another.
  • The new comments are structured just like text messages.
  • The client has the option to send a message with the following status changes
    • Approved
    • Rejected
    • Request For Alternate
    • Request Sample
  • Whenever a new comment is made that is not by a designer, a notification card will appear on the row letting you know you have new comments for that row.
  • You will receive an email letting you know whenever a client leaves a comment or changes the row's status.
  • Also for easy reference, the row's current status is pinned to the top of the comment thread so everyone is on the same page.

And Done.

What we're working on...

Row Archive:

Rather than completely deleting a row... rows will be archived and then given the option to be deleted later - whew

Row Revisions

Clients are clients, and going back and forth is inevitable. To help with this we're working on row revisions to give you the ability to quickly switch between iterations of rows without the headache of making a section of unused rows that you're too scared to delete. This will be powerful tool and will make the scheduling process much easier.