Security Overview

Material Space is committed to the highest standards of security for our customers' data and transactions. To achieve this, we leverage the robust security features of Supabase and Stripe.

SupabaseSupabase is an open-source Firebase alternative, providing a suite of tools that include a database, authentication, and storage, all managed from a single dashboard. It's designed to make it easier to develop and scale modern applications by offering a comprehensive backend solution. Supabase's security features include:

  • Data Encryption: Both at rest (with AES-256) and in transit (via TLS), ensuring that your data is always protected.
  • Row Level Security (RLS): This allows for the creation of complex SQL rules, ensuring that data access can be finely controlled and tailored to specific needs.
  • Authentication: Offering various methods, including password-based, passwordless, OAuth social providers, and SAML SSO Providers.
  • User Management: Includes secure password storage and token-based authentication, adding another layer of security.

StripeStripe is a leading online payment processing platform, renowned for its advanced security measures and compliance with the highest industry standards. It's designed to handle everything from billing and payments to subscription management. Key security features of Stripe include:

  • PCI Service Provider Level 1 Certification: This is the highest level of certification available in the payments industry, ensuring that all transactions are processed with top-tier security.
  • SOC 1 and SOC 2 Compliance: Regular audits for maintaining stringent security and operational standards.
  • EMVCo and PA-DSS Standards: Compliance with global security standards for card and terminal security.
  • NIST Cybersecurity Framework: Ensuring that Stripe's security practices meet the high standards required by enterprise customers.
  • Privacy and Data Protection: Continuous implementation of evolving privacy and data protection processes.
  • Sensitive Action Authentication: Multiple forms of multi-factor authentication (MFA) to protect user accounts.
  • Access Restriction and Auditing: Features that allow users to manage access privileges and monitor sensitive account activities.

By integrating Supabase and Stripe, Material Space ensures that your data is not only secure but also managed and processed using the latest and most reliable technologies in the market. This integration is a testament to our commitment to providing a secure, reliable, and user-friendly experience to our customers.