Use Restrictions

Material Space LLC. Use Restrictions

Unauthorized Commercial Use

You may not use our Services to promote, sell, or advertise products or services that are not related to architecture or interior design.

Intellectual Property Violations

Uploading or sharing content that violates intellectual property laws, including copyrights, patents, and trademarks, is prohibited.

False Representation

Creating an account with false credentials or impersonating another individual or company is strictly prohibited.

Data Scraping and Automated Queries

Using automated systems or software to extract data from our website for commercial purposes ('scraping') is prohibited unless you have written permission from Material Space Inc.

Inaccurate or Misleading Content

Publishing or sharing information that is false or misleading, including fraudulent or deceptive schemes, is not allowed.

Conflicts of Interest

You may not use Material Space LLC to solicit or interact with clients or companies where doing so would cause a conflict of interest with your current employment or other obligations.

Confidential Information

You may not post or disclose any confidential or sensitive information of any third party.

Discrimination and Harassment

Material Space LLC does not tolerate discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, or any other protected class. Harassment of any kind is not allowed.

Harmful or Offensive Activities

Any activities that are defamatory, violate privacy, or are harmful to others are strictly prohibited.

Lawful Conduct

You are responsible for adhering to all local and federal laws applicable to your use of our Services.

The above list is not exhaustive, and we reserve the right to terminate or suspend accounts found in violation of these terms or any other activities that we deem harmful.